The “Journal of Science, Humanities and Arts – JOSHA”  has been initiated to create a novel internet platform to access the broad diversity of important discoveries and creativity in the fields of Science, Humanities and Arts.

The editors feel, that this new endeavour in the competitive world of numerous and excellent journals is justified for four reasons:

“Knowledge that is not communicated is wasted knowledge.”

The classical peer review process frequently delays publication and may even jeopardise publication of submitted manuscripts and especially of novel concepts not in the mainstream of current research focus.

Manuscripts for JOSHA will undergo editor review and rating within 48 hours and will be published within 1 week in JOSHA Archive. Submission of a publication  is free of charge. The community review process (see below) starts upon publication, allowing the scientific community to read, rate and comment the publication.

Though the editors reserve the right to require revision of the manuscripts and decide on acceptance.  The authors alone are responsible for the contents, the significance , the interpretation and the importance of their publication.

“Rating by and for the Scientific Community”

The current rating of the importance of a publication depends largely on the impact factor and its derivatives. We will stimulate review and rating by the general scientific community and report the ratings next to each publication. Manuscripts with highest ratings will be prominently presented.

“Ownership belongs to the scientists and artists.”

Papers in JOSHA may be published elsewhere in the original or revised version. The copyright of the submitted papers will remain with the authors.

“Knowledge knows no borders”

This interdisciplinary, multi language journal will ideally reflect the diverse, but complimentary ways and methods of Discovery and Creativity. Publication in English, German or Spanish is preferred. The electronic platform allows the selection by topics and languages if so desired.